
Matrix .NET
Matrix CPP

The dll available on this page enables you to perform matrix and vector computations in a .NET environment. It will be supplied via the media you request - e.g. download, USB stick, SD card, optical disc etc. The functionality is comparable with that of the packages available from the larger vendors (e.g. for defence purposes) but will help conserve resources of those entities that need this software and functionality.
There is also a service pack available which will be honoured, together with any agreements.

System requirements:
.NET 4.8

There is also a manual for use with the software, which also shows changes and bug fixes.

Amongst the things you can do with the dll on this page:
  • Prototype an algorithm that involves vector and matrix manipulations.
  • View the elements of a vector or matrix whilst designing an algorithm.
  • Graph vector or matrices whilst designing using either 2D or 3D plotting windows.
  • Solve linear systems and analyse data using the SVD.
  • Decompose a time varying signal into its amplitude components using the FFT.
  • Play a movie of a time varying signal.
For more details and examples see the manual.

Right-click the link and choose "Save Link As..." to save the document to your computer Manual
Matrix .dll - £30 plus p&p.
Service plan - £20 per year.
Copyright (c) 2023 Mathematical Services