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This is a new venture by Mathematical Services - the provision of booklets.
These booklets are a scholarly investigation and explanation into the origin of predominantly place names. They are more than just a listing of historical references to the name but a considered 'scientific study' of the origin of the name based on history, geography, language and even phonetics in some cases. There is also an investigation into my surname - Foy. (This is not an account of my ancestry but that of the origin of the name Foy). There is a .pdf (A4 size document) and in all cases a print version to buy.
The Origin of the surname Foy. .pdf to download - £5 A4 paperback booklet - £6
The Origin of the place-name Elsecar. Elsecar, the model industrial village was brought into prominence by the Earl Fitzwilliams. Yet its name is obscure. .pdf to download - £4 A4 paperback booklet - £5
The Origin of the place-name Leeds. Leeds the large city of today has (according to conventional accounts) an obscure origin as to its name. .pdf to download - £4.25 A4 paperback booklet - £5.25
The Origin of the place-name Harrogate. Harrogate the 18th century Spa town has an obscure origin as to its name. .pdf to download - £4.35 A4 paperback booklet - £5.35
The Origin of the place-name Gomersal, West Yorkshire, UK. Gomersal has an origin which seems to be explained yet this might not have been done too thoroughly. The booklet gives a scholarly and considered account into the origin. .pdf to download - £4.35 A4 paperback booklet - £5.35
When producing these booklets it is often convenient to have a topographic map of an area showing the contours of height superimposed on a street and feature map. Here is desktop software allowing you to do this and to save the resulting file into a format suitable for online or physical printing. Here is the Manual ImageFormer software - £9.95
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